Outreach to Haiti Ministry Greets New Director
Tue, Jun 25th, 2019By Ryan Blessing
Outreach to Haiti welcomed Susan Wallace as its new executive director and bid a happy retirement to former director Daniel O’Sullivan.
Director Wallace, who comes from Cape May, N.J., began her work June 3 at the Outreach to Haiti office in Norwich. Mr. O’Sullivan, who was at the helm for five years, will assist in the transition for the next month.
“The Diocese has a 30-year history of involvement with the Haitian ministry,” she said. “I’ve always had a deep love for Haiti.”
She was in Haiti in the mid to late 1980s and has had a long interest in the island nation.
“I’m excited to be here and join the Diocese in this important endeavor, and excited to be following in Dan’s footsteps and his lead, moving this organization forward to help Haitians help Haitians,” she said.
Outreach to Haiti continues the important work in the impoverished neighborhood of Christ Roi, Port-au-Prince, Haiti. A new building is under construction, to replace one destroyed by the 2010 earthquake.
“It’s been a long process, but we’re now building where our old clinic was,” Mr. O’Sullivan said. “A final round of fundraising, this summer, to complete the work remains,” he said.
During Mr. O’Sullivan’s tenure, Outreach started new programs to teach job skills to women and offer nutrition help for pregnant mothers. It also added a third health agent to its clinic.
A Sisters of St. Joseph Generous Promise grant from the Sisters of Mercy and the Catholic Foundation helps fund the work. Mr. O’Sullivan, who worked in the insurance industry before joining the Outreach, said he plans to do some traveling.
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